ABOUT This is twenty.
At age 19, I spent my first summer in NYC, feeling overwhelmed and lost. I had secured the opportunity of my wildest dreams, but something was missing. It didn’t take long to realize what my experience was lacking: a female mentor.
I began to avidly research and follow female-founded companies and their leaders, who support each other professionally and personally. These women form a strong, interconnected web of support, which makes it possible for them to not only achieve their aspirations but also for their female peers to be lifted up. Via Instagram, I watched as these women interacted, both online and at IRL meetups, as they unknowingly restored my faith in a world that at times felt utterly defeating.
One day, alone in my 5th-floor East Village walk-up, I typed in my notes a list of all of the ambitious, resilient, determined, confident and compassionate women who inspired me. The list contained names spanning across the globe, across all industries, and all stages of success. In the weeks following, I found myself revisiting this list to expand it. This list, which held the names of empowered women who instilled confidence within me, would become the genesis for the mission on which I’d embark upon returning for my sophomore year at University of Miami in the fall.
After years of dismissal and feeling undervalued, which I began to accept as the norm, I was pleasantly surprised by the warm, encouraging responses I received from the women whom I admired; they were so eager to share their advice and experiences. I knew that these conversations we were having were valuable, not just to me, but to others as well. I had to put it all somewhere.
As my 20th birthday loomed closer, I became increasingly panicked over the weight this upcoming decade seemingly carries. In order to gain insight about this turbulent time, which has been lauded by the media as the most formative decade of one’s life, I decided to ask the women who inspire me three simple questions:
Who were you at twenty?
How have you evolved since?
What advice would you give yourself at twenty?
My hope is that this collective will shine a bright light on women whose success is twofold. Not only do these women strive to achieve their dreams, but they also understand the importance of celebrating and supporting the dreams of others. Ultimately, my goal is to cultivate a community in which we can all celebrate ourselves and each other, reflecting on our pasts while looking towards our futures.
Welcome to This is Twenty.